GUMS | Formative OSCEs
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Formative OSCEs

A highlight for many on the GUMS academic calendar are the Formative OSCEs – a series of mock exams, created by students, for students. Hundreds of GUMS members become involved each year either as volunteer examiners, simulated patients or OSCE candidates, to help prepare for this major piece of med school assessment.

In 2023, GUMS will be running the formative OSCES for years 2, 3 and 4.

These stations are intended for practice only. They have been written by students and reviewed by the School of Medicine. Care has been taken to provide a good example of a station and mark scheme, however they may not be reflective of what the School of Medicine is looking to assess. Please refer to any cohort briefings and advice regarding OSCEs from the SoM.


GUMS 2023 Formative OSCE Team

  • Vice President (GC) – Shayan Abbas
  • Vice President (SC) – Nicholas Es’haghi
  • Academic Officer (GC) – Lauren Wijaya
  • Academic Officer (GC) – Shor Mizuno
  • Formative OSCE Coordinators – Omer Hassan (Snr), Dilpreet Moti (Snr) & Anileen Pageni

Please get in contact with the GUMS Academic Team if you have any questions or would like to become involved. Good luck!


Spoiler Alert Ahead!

Formative OSCE stations will be posted on this website after the OSCEs have been held. The stations are sometimes repeated from year to year so be careful before you read too far ahead!


Click to access the GUMS Formative OSCE Archive!