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satire Tag

17 Sep 52 Thoughts I Have While Doing LOs

Okay, let’s do some LOs! I’ll even draw them all out and learn them this week! Let me just quickly make a cup of tea While the kettle boils, I’ll check my phone for a minute Wow another beach engagement Instagram post? Revolutionary. That’s...

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13 Aug Cardio… Is that Spanish?

Beyoncé once said, "I love my butter pecan ice cream, but I also love to work out”. While I agree with Queen Bey about the ice cream, I don’t think I’ve ever used “love” and “workout” in the same sentence, unless it’s “I love to...

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16 Jul The Awkward Tales of a Medical Student

The medical student is a creature of habit. Every morning, it wakes up, hoping that today will be a productive and efficient day, making fanciful goals for success. Every night it goes to sleep, having achieved none of what it had planned, self-loathing and an...

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16 May Bachelor in PBL

Gary Oldman once said, “Reality TV, to me, is the museum of social decay”. While I couldn’t agree more, I have to admit that social decay makes for great TV. From catfights to golden one-liners like “umbrella of ambiguity” or “so much chemistry it’s like...

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16 Apr I Broke Up With a Boy… Using SPIKES

…and it was the best break up I’ve ever had. I’ve grown up on a steady entertainment diet of Taylor Swift, teen rom-coms and Disney. Dramatic confessions of feelings are all I’ve ever known. My relationships have always been filled with soaring heights or the deepest...

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